Monday, August 16, 2010

Obamas Swim Inland And Press Lies To Public About Where He Swam

We have all read or seen on the News that President Obama and his daughter took a swim in the Gulf of Mexico on their recent overnight “vacation” to the Gulf of Mexico.

But here is the side of the story the media really isn’t talking about to much.

  • The press pressured President Obama to take a swim in the Gulf. The  press said it would b a good thing to send a message to the public that Gulf waters are safe but Michelle Obama  interjected by saying, “No, it’s not” reports The Daily News.
  • The Obamas really didn’t swim in the Gulf. They actually swam in an inland water way protected and not the Gulf of Mexico by barrier islands reports Yahoo news.

    The White House hoped images from the weekend jaunt to the Gulf would end that criticism. To the delight of locals, Obama took Sasha for a dip Saturday, a signal to other would-be Gulf vacationers that the water and the beaches are fine

    The president’s swim happened out of sight of the news media. The White House released an official photo, but The Associated Press does not publish such handout images. According to the White House, the Obamas swam off Alligator Point, which is in Saint Andrews Bay, not the Gulf.

  • For a President trying to send a message that the Gulf is safe he sure didn’t stay in the Gulf or the water for to long.
  • The area where President Obama reportedly swam was not even affected by the BP Gulf Oil Spill according to the official Government reports of the extent of the spill.
  • The Obamas swim was out of the sight of the press and the photos of the swim where taken by Whitehouse staff so there is no confirmation that the President even took a swim when and where the White House staff reports.
  • By not swimming in the Gulf of Mexico President Obama broke his vow that he would take a swim in the Gulf.
  • After the swim President Obama said “Beaches all along the Gulf Coast are clean, they are safe, and they are open for business.” Clearly that is not the case as there are daily reports of oil in the water in several places along the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Saint Andrews Bay has been part of a water shed quality management plan for many years. First response status was given to the bay in event of a “spill”. Ongoing water quality testing is part of the project. Tributaries to the bay and polluters have been identified and corrective action in works or already done. Swimming there is probably safer than swimming in your tap water. It was a no-brainer choice for a photo opportunity to sell a pseudo-safe gulf to the public.

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