Monday, August 23, 2010

COREXIT now in blue crab larvae from Florida to Texas; Bio-accumulation fears

A report today from Fox 8 in New Orleans reveals that the "orange blobs found lodged in the bodies of tiny blue crab larvae collected from marshes that stretch from Texas to Florida" appear to contain Corexit, according to preliminary results from researchers at Tulane University.

The report says BP's dispersant "may do more harm than the oil itself."

University of New Orleans' Martin O'Connell, Ph.D said, "No one really knows" if Corexit will bio-accumulate. "If you're a small fish and you eat 1,000 of these small crab larvae and all of them have oil or Corexit droplets in them they could get into the fish — that little fish could be eaten and so on and so on."

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