Monday, March 26, 2012

Wise Women Media for 3/26/12 -- SPECIAL GUEST is Karen Mayer Hopkins, Environmental Refugee and Gulf Coast Activist


This week's special guest is Karen Mayer Hopkins. She is originally from Grande Isle, Louisiana and because technically she is an environmental refugee, she now makes her new home in Florida. From working within the Fishing Industry herself and with a partner who is a fisherman, she was one of the first VERY VOCAL voices in the southern part of Louisiana who sounded the alarms of the ongoing ramifications of the Gulf Oil Gusher. She has a lot to say about what happened in the Gulf on 4/20/10 and the ongoing aftermath in regards to business, fishing, health, media, activism and so much more.
Please do not miss this show and feel free to call in and ask questions.
CLICK HERE to get to the show!

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